There is a calculator to see what you can change in your budget using PowerBatt© products. We have automated table, where you can just put your numbers to appropriate cells and result will be shown to you in no time. You can customise size of the battery, voltage, number of batteries, years of service, etc.
This table has editable cells (no color) and automated cells (colored) and works as follow:
  • In section BATTERY DATA (yellow) enter capacity of your battery (Amper-Hr), voltage, and cost. Here it is 500AH, 36V and $4,000
  • In section BATTERY REGENERATION (pink) enter number of batteries you would like to service (either to restore or extend its life). Here it is 10. Cost of PowerBatt Plus is $62/L
  • In section MAINTENANCE PACKAGE (ultramarine) enter number of services per year (usualy it is 1) and how many years you want to use this application. Say, your battery works 6 years (in ideal conditions), 2 years- in 100% capacity, then 2 years in 60% capacity, then berelly 40% capacity. You start to apply PowerBatt Prevent after 4 years, your battery comes back to 90% capacity and keeps up for another 5 years. The REAL situation is this: your battery works 100% for the first year, then in 2 years it will go down to 20%. We are talking intensive commercial/industrial applications, where equipment often exploited 24/7 by different operators. In this case if you start to apply PowerBatt Prevent after first year of use, you will have 6 years of 90% battery capacity!
  • Next section- SERVICE COSTS (purple) intended for those, who doesn't want to spend time to service batteries. PowerBatt Prevent is very easy to use (that is only 0.5 hrs per battery), regeneration- different story. In any case all options are there and could be calculated
  • Final section- SAVINGS, you dont enter any data there, you just watch numbers! 
Real battery CROWN 18-125-9 was taken for this example (prices in US currency). We can send you actual table with detailed instructions by email. Simply contact us by email or phone

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